The Double-Edged Sword of Being Unapologetic

Unapologetic: not acknowledging or expressing regret. 

A tasteful word often attached to the black identity. It’s inspiring on paper. In practice, though, the word transforms and steps on everyone’s toes as intended from the start. This attitude manifests in the recent trend of wearing the functional durag as an accessory, boasting our authentic blackness with no regard for the comfort of others. 

After all, Black people work hard everyday to change the systemic oppressions that have plagued our communities for hundreds of years. Change is aggressive, messy, exhausting. So, please forgive us if we’re not smiling all the time, playing the Happy Negro. Forgive us if our unapologetic attitude rubs you the wrong way. 

Forgive us or don’t. It doesn’t matter to us either way.

Words by Ka’Dia Dhatnubia

Creative Direction/Styling: Morgan McKensey

Photography: Morgan Kitchen

Models: Lauren Kenya and Michael Ogburu