Stepping into the Rat on Bull is like stepping into a breath of fresh air for a fashion student. The...
In senior Fibers major Sana Bhatia’s fashion collection Beautiful Tragedy she weaves different stories from various cultures into beautifully alluring...
I look in the mirror Mocking the harsh reality Two versions of one A person I want to be The person they expect me to be Clothing, my camouflage My relief I can only mask the truth for so long Art Direction, Photography and Words by Jordan Vescio Assistant Stylist...
Nina Meredith is the future of female directors: intelligent, creative, and storytelling what our generation wants to see through visuals.
How you can view Karl Lagerfeld's work in Savannah as we mourn the loss of the legendary designer who led Chanel since 1983.
SCAD Student Media is accepting applicants for leadership positions for The Manor. To apply, download an application and submit it via email by the stated deadline. Copy Editor Photo Editor Art Director Fashion Editor Beauty Editor Assistant Photo Editor Contributing Editor The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. March 5,...
"Getting slimed" has never been so trendy. It may just make your whole look.