The novel, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt, tells a ghost story of a masquerade dinner party...
Confidence Chloé Constant: “Before I could dress-up or play with makeup, I could play with my hair. My fluffy afro...
The ‘90s babies are adding a new flare to the trends of their childhood now that they’re old enough to...
This year, I’ve heard less about 2019 and more about “50 years ago in 1969.”
Freedom is found within the black hair salon. If we’re being honest, you walk in looking rough—wig off, hair tied...
As the fashion industry evolves, we constantly witness styles with an alternative connotation transform into elevated trends. Latex is at...
In a world where there is still a greater percentage of male bosses and leaders than women in many industries,...
This summer I interned for Land O’Lakes and had the pleasure of visiting and photographing farms across the country. During...