She has a whispered secret that she guards fiercely with her eyes. Deep within the dreamy allure, the shimmering facade,...
High school halls have been ground zero for subcultural evolution. Throughout the decades, stoners have stood against the cultural shuffle...
Delicacy and industrialism become a smitten pair in a world no longer defined by powder cosmetics. With this subversive method of 3D print, PLA plastic, combined with intricate beadwork, transports you to a civilization deep within your computer. Here, cosmetics are no longer confined to the contours of the face...
It’s the 2000s. A new millennium has begun and it’s a pivotal time where it’s commonplace to layer tank tops,...
There’s no escaping the high school dream. It persists in our media as the setting for the most watched teen...
Silver or gold? The timeless argument. Personally, I can’t get enough of silver. Silver earrings, silver eyeshadow and silver tops for going out. Even my dogs are silver! Some may call me a metalhead or a crazy lady with a tin foil hat, but I stand by my fashion choices....
The angels who rest in the walls of the church also lie where humans mourn. Angels in Christian art are...