Looking in the mirror draped in a laughable mockery of what was imagined. A shirt that doesn’t lay right, fabrics that are stiff. The clothes are too boxy, the patterns clash, the colors are dull and the skirt rides up. A failed realized vision. It was only ever going to be perfect in fantasy.

She watches herself from the outside, every hour, day, and night. A voyeur of herself. A character of who she could be, what she could look like. Obsessed with grandiose visions, inevitably snuffed out by the constraints of reality. Comparison to an unattainable ideal of self and its glorification of materiality.

Direction, Stop Motion, and Graphics by Evan Skovronsky.
Production Design and Editing by Iyla Feist .
Cinematography by Tristan Lewis.
Styling and Words by Evan Skovronsky and Iyla Feist.
Styling Assist by Dylan Hackett.
1st AD by Keiry Leon.
Talent by Juliette Feau.