
As she is draped in frills and extravagance, she desires to strip down to her original form; vulnerable and authentic. With each layer removed, she unveils not only her skin but her raw self. The process becomes a ritual, an act of self-discovery and liberation. 

There is no hiding anymore, she finds herself in each new piece of skin revealed. Much like stripping down to one’s true self, Cyanotype strips away the complexity of modern technology. 

Cyanotype photo printing, a timeless technique, invites us into a world where tradition meets innovation and imagination. Through its lens, we don’t see photographs, but windows to the soul of the artist. Like a portal into a forgotten memory, it doesn’t just capture images, but the essence of the moment; immortalizing them into celebrations of light and shadow.

Just as the process values the raw beauty of light and chemistry, she honors the raw beauty of her being, finding strength in her barest form.

Creative Direction, Photo Development, and Words by Eve Friday

Photography by Cameron Emory 

Photo Assist by Evin Holley and Lizzie Dawson 

Styling by Ellie Warnke 

Headpiece and Custom Jewelry by Sophia Denison