Beauty as an industry and an art form, can be skincare, makeup, haircare, and wellness. It has become a way...
Morgan Daniel, who is professionally known as Morgan McKensey, is a Senior Fashion Marketing student, Wardrobe stylist/Creative director, and part-time...
Many people have asked me, “why tattoo your body, and what do they all mean?” I usually dismiss the attention...
Annie Atkins. Someone you are probably unfamiliar with but have seen her work for years. Atkins works as a graphic...
Kat Sours is a Senior Fibers student who is off to Brooklyn in June to work as a production artist....
Last weekend from April 8-10, I was fortunate enough to be a part of an outstanding collaboration with SCAD students...
Located at her featured collection in the SCAD FASH Museum in Atlanta, Ruth E. Carter spoke during SCADStyle about her...
On Wednesday March 24, SCADstyle hosted a panel with two Vogue colleagues, Chloe Schama and Nicholas Burdekin. The two shared...