Swallowing My Pride: Tips for a New York Summer

Well well well, it looks like I’m going to have to swallow my pride. After writing an entire article complaining about how every fashion major moves to New York City postgrad, I too spent this summer as an obnoxious city intern. The verdict? I absolutely loved it. I know I’m a hypocrite, but after this summer I’ve decided that I do actually think NYC is the best and I eventually want to move there. Now that I’m eating my words, what else can I do but share my experiences and offer some tips for anyone thinking about moving to The Big Apple. 

1. Pack a skeleton suitcase. 

I’m dead serious. As I write this I’m couch surfing (I foolishly made myself uber-available and now my internship lasts longer than my summer housing), and I want to cry every day because of how much I’ve accumulated. In June, I prided myself on packing light, but now that it’s August, I’m realizing that it wasn’t enough. You will not wear half of the clothes you pack. You will buy more clothes. You will acquire random free stuff. Pack extremely light and bring extra luggage. Bring only two pairs of shoes because you will wear the same pair of disgusting sneakers every day. 

2. It’s not as hot as everyone says it is. 

I don’t know if it’s just global climate change, but if you’re used to the swamp that is Savannah, it’s not actually that hot. Sure the city is gross and every other street smells like urine, but you can totally wear pants. I brought so many pairs of shorts and never really wore them. This is especially true if you have an office job and spend a lot of time in air conditioned buildings.

3. Follow the instagram account @nyc_forfree 

I don’t know what we did to deserve the existence of Rebeka the NYC for Free Girl, but she somehow knows every free popup, event, and sample sale. Because I checked her updates regularly I got free food, paraphernalia, and some really interesting experiences. Additionally, Bryant Park hosts free summer movie nights and I highly recommend them! My roommates and I would spread our Baggu Puffy Picnic Blankets on the lawn and feast on Trader Joe’s every Monday before watching a free movie. 

4. You’re going to get lost on the Subway. 

After mastering the European public transit system, I thought I was prepared. I was not. The most useful tip I can provide is to look at the signs above you any time you walk down a set of stairs. Direction is important, because if you go down an entrance that says uptown and you mean to go downtown, a lot of times you will have to go back up to street level because they don’t connect underground. Pay attention to which train you are actually getting on. The subway system is a hot mess, and that’s okay.

5. Actually learn how to budget. 

It’s ridiculously expensive. I know that everyone knows this, but it’s one thing to hear it and an entirely different one to watch your first paycheck swirl down the drain after one night out, leaving you begging your dad for grocery money. Not one of my proudest moments. Be smart with your money, take advantage of free things, and stick to only buying one juice box when you’re out with your friends.

New York is fun and there’s always something to do, so take advantage! You’re going to have a great time and hopefully learn a lot about yourself. Be smart, be safe, and remember that you’re not supposed to have it all together. 

Words by Caroline Tetlow.  

Graphic by Eve Friday.