The word soft is often associated with a subtle nature, one that is innocent and delicate. It is flowers and lace. It is pastel and blush. When the world expects strength, when the world calls your passion aggression, when the world refuses to acknowledge your pain—where is the opportunity to be soft? The perception of the word ‘soft’ changes when it comes to black women. Black women are oversexualized and dehumanized from the time they are children. Black women are expected to be strong all the time. Carrying trauma and burdens on their shoulders without complaint, not a show of vulnerability insight. Black women are expected to be calm and patient unless they want to be labeled as the aggressor. Black women are expected to rise above all the time. With all of these expectations—where is the opportunity to be soft?

Black women can be soft. Black women can be vulnerable. Black women are allowed to be anything.
Creative Direction, Words by Bri Shufford.
Photography by Kayleigh Moreland.
Styling by Elena Dorsey.
Talent by Asia Redhead.