Basking in the sun on the beaches of Tybee Island, something shiny caught the corner of my eye. As I looked up, I spotted the source of my inspiration: the boat-tailed grackle. I was mesmerized by its navy blue and magenta feathers, especially when the sun hit them and each one shone iridescently. While frantically trying to record the bird, it fluttered away. Though I was initially sad I missed the photographic evidence, in the moment it flew off with such grace and elegance that I wasn’t even bothered. Its poise and dignified flight were forever etched in my mind. To capture its poise, my model mimicked its movements and the styling replicated its iridescent feathers. Overall, I feel that my vision came to life, and it was all inspired by that one pretty little bird.

Creative Direction, Words, and Styling by Nicole Pernas. @ncpernas
BTS Videography by Claire Robinson and Eve Friday.
Photography and Editing by Lola Rugg.
Styling Assistance by Kat Gregory.
Makeup by Ari Young Sang.
Nails by Evin Holly.
Talent by Kat Gregory.