You hear the goose scream before you see it. This whimsical creature is welcoming you into Ruby and Music’s pastoral escape, a place they know quite well. The creatures seem to mimic your movement; you go and they follow. Ruby is nearby hiking up her dress to water the garden. A speck of dirt here, a flower behind the ear, a wooden duck there. Meanwhile, Music is clicking her red rainboots together. You ask if she wishes to be transported, like Dorothy traveling home, but she shakes her head. “There is something so delicate and beautiful about a life untouched,” she says. So you pet the wooden duck, get your shoes muddy and let the miniature horses mimic your movement a while longer.

Photo and Co-Creative Direction by Joe Tankersley.
Styling, Co-Creative Direction, and Words by Anna McGregor.
Photo Assist by Cameron White.
Talent by Ruby Wrigley and Music Miranda.