Step into the unseen and invisible realm of bees. They see the world in the hidden ultraviolet light that humans are incapable of experiencing. Bees’ five eyes unlock this concealed world that is curated for their purpose. The pollinators are guided by this light to find which flowers have pollen and where to go next. The only thing that they have to give up? Red. While we get to enjoy the perfect red lip, bees enjoy an entirely different world. But, at the very least, humans and bees can enjoy Monet’s Water Lilies together. In fact, their whole world is a Monet painting. Focusing on the blues, purples, and violets, bees perceive this contrasted reality everyday and enjoy the views at the same time. They always appreciate the beauty of the natural world and are driven by their favorite colors to begin work each day.

Creative Direction, Photography, and Writing by Abigail Wornock.
Assistant Photography by Cece Kirksey.
Composite Artist by Emily Jahr.
Production Design by Sydney Andrews.
Talent by Maria Rodriquez.
Styling by Anna Jara.
Makeup by Ari Young Sang.