Goodbye heat, hello chill. Just because it’s getting cold outside doesn’t mean you’re stuck indoors. If you thought you were getting rid of those summer tan lines, well you’re in for a ride!

When you walk outside, breathe the cool, fresh air, and really embrace the lingering essence the chill heat leaves. They do say the winter sun burns more than summer’s. If you like sports, maybe you’re interested in a good ski trip, or if you like it casual, a nice walk around the city.

Regardless, it’s also important to stay safe, so make sure to put some sunscreen on before you leave the house so you don’t get too burnt, or in this case, possibly even a frostbite.

Creative Direction & Words by Esther Choe and Karla Quinones
Photography by Heather Bloomfield
Styling by Anastacia Diaz & Karla Quinones
Makeup by Al’yannah-NeChea Thomas
Production Design by Mari Melgar
Art Direction by Lara Blomfield & Vaishnavi Thankam
Set Dressing by Jada Clayton
Talent by Charlie Schultz, Tianqing Tong, & Pat Wilson