From Coffee Shop to Couch: An Interview With the Queen of Confidence, SFK

Serena Kerrigan is a former producer for Refinery29-turned lifestyle influencer, who preaches self-love ideas, making the first move, and putting yourself out there. I talked with Serena about her college love days, her new venture, Let’s F*cking Date, and how you can feel like the most important person in the room. 

Considering we’re a collegiate publication, how did you navigate your university’s dating scene?

Duke was tough because it felt like one big bubble of hookup culture. I felt like so much of my self-worth was based on whether I would engage in a disgustingly sweaty dance floor makeout. If I didn’t, I felt worthless. This was when I snapped and created my persona, SFK, because I was sick of giving others control over my self-worth. My advice for navigating is that college is not the real world, and don’t worry about getting a boyfriend. 

Making the first move for many is a difficult and even uncomfortable thing to do. What are your tips for breaking out of that shell and going for it?

Before I created SFK, I felt super insecure about who I was. I started introducing myself to people as Serena F*cking Kerrigan at parties as a way to build my confidence and my persona. My biggest tip in building confidence and making that first move is by completely loving who you are. Every morning I wake up, look in the mirror, and tell myself how beautiful, strong, and smart I am. Once you’re secure with who you are, you can take on the f*cking world.

Let’s F*cking Date has been an iconic and hilarious way for people to distract from what’s going on. How has it allowed you to grow and evolve as a modern-day single woman?

Let’s F*cking Date has really inspired me to step into my own power and encourage myself to navigate my love life the same way I navigate the rest of my life — by going for what I want and believing in the bad bitch I am. The most empowering aspect of all this has been all the women that watch LFD and feel inspired to do the same.

How has your relationship changed with your audience on Instagram pre and post COVID?

Since starting Let’s F*cking Date at the beginning of quarantine, I think my relationship with my audience has only gotten stronger. We just hit 20 thousand followers on the Let’s F*cking Date Instagram (what???), and none of this would have been possible without them, my incredible team, and our sponsors believing so much in me and this show. We built this together in the middle of a global pandemic. It’s unreal. This is just such a great example of how we can use social media to create authentic connections and build community.

What do you see for the future of LFD?

One million followers, a Netflix deal, a Trader Joe’s sponsorship, Chrissy Teigen on the after show, and my finding my future husband…eventually.

I know I said five questions, BUT, Lastly, since we are primarily a fashion publication, any advice for a go-to virtual date outfit?

Lately, I’ve been starting to think yellow might be my power color, but a bold red outfit and lip is always a solid SFK look. Really anything that makes me feel like the bad bitch and confident queen I am.

A special thank you to Serena and one of her editors, Natalie! Find them on Instagram, @SerenaKerrigan, and @Natateaaa

Words by Olivia Hawkins

Image Courtesy of Serena Kerrigan

Graphic by Day Toscano