It’s raining cats, hallelujah! Capturing your attention like no other, she prowls through the photographs and into your life. Immerse yourself into the history of Pussy. Are you feeling feline?

The cat has been representative of women and feminine energy, dating all the way back to Ancient Egypt. The first association is traced to the deity Bastet, half cat half female figure. Cats went on to represent women and important figures in many different cultures and religions. Later they took a downturn, being used in association with witch accusations and suffragette propaganda to paint women in a negative light. How did something of such powerful origin become derogatory?

With the modern day golden retriever man, it’s only fair to bring up the black cat woman. It’s more than simple categorization. There is a certain energy to catwomen, a certain touch of je ne sais quoi. Cats represent beauty, grace, power and intelligence. A cat does not like every person it meets, and it doesn’t need to. There is something so freeing about that. It is a complex narrative that will forever carry the positive and negative history with it. So whether you’re ready to be decked out in head to toe cheetah print like Mel B or not, Feline Fatale fiercely reclaims the catwalk and makes sure she never goes extinct.

Creative direction, Styling, & Words by Elisabeth Edwards.
Photography by Mei de Paula.
Photo assist by Olivia Ruggiero.
Makeup by Sophie Stanley.
Hair by Paul Weinhold.
Talent by Zoe Polivchak.