As of January 22, Netflix has released the first season of Fate: The Winx Saga, a live-action adaptation of the...
Margaret Carlson is a textile designer and a print design intern for Free People currently based in Philadelphia, PA. She...
The mainstream fashion industry is predominantly white, but there is a fascination with Black culture, fashion, and all aspects of being Black that has driven so many trends from fashion to catchphrases. Was the support truly genuine when we saw brands and powerhouse names stepping down after the racial tension...
Black Owned Everything: A directory to the 21 Black-owned brands you need to know about and direct links for immediate...
Ashley Romasko is a ready-to-wear designer for Tory Burch, currently living in Brooklyn, New York. She graduated in the Class of...
On January 20th, a new President and Vice President swore into office on the United States Capitol’s West Front. This was a historic moment for many reasons. Joe Biden became the 46th President, giving a unifying speech, discussing solidarity and peace between all American citizens. Kamala Harris is the first...
We can agree last year was doomed from Megan and Prince Harry’s royal departure, followed by a novel of madness....
Carlo Pardo is a SCAD-Grad Powerhouse. As a 2019 graduate in Fashion Marketing, Pardo has made extensive strides in the...