Ryan Murphy’s new limited series drama “Halston” landed on Netflix last Friday. The show follows the career of famed New...
Morgan Daniel, who is professionally known as Morgan McKensey, is a Senior Fashion Marketing student, Wardrobe stylist/Creative director, and part-time...
As the world begins to wake up again, we are longing for these luxe, extravagant settings of the movies, which feel like strangers to us now. Vito’s cat in the Godfather, the lavish French chess championships in the Queen’s Gambit, or the unmatched chaos of Uncut Gems; all of these...
Iris Dean Blackwood, a fiber artist who focuses on textile and garment application, sits down to discuss her senior fashion...
Summer is just around the corner, and I’m sure we all are facing the annual question of, how do I...
Picture this: March 12, 1912, in Savannah, GA, a group of 18 young girls come together and come up with an idea so ahead of their time yet so fitting for the world around them. An idea that allowed for alliance, strength, support, and an ecocentric attitude that would come...
Formally known as Gypsy World, the beloved Starland District store came back with a new location (just a couple steps...
Lipstick has arguably been one of the most important aspects of daily cosmetic routines since the early Renaissance. Throughout history,...