Recently, Chanel staged its Cruise fashion show for the 2023/24 season at Paramount Studios in Los Angeles, California. The collection...
She has a whispered secret that she guards fiercely with her eyes. Deep within the dreamy allure, the shimmering facade,...
Your senior collection is titled “Marcia Marcia Marcia.” Can you tell me a little about what it’s about? It’s about my grandmother, and I chose her because she was a really interesting lady. She had a really cool life for a young adult. She was in beauty pageants, which is...
SCAD’s annual Senior Fashion Show returned to the runway last year. Gone were the days of digital runways built together...
Tell me about the overall concept of this collection. My senior collection is called “Revenge Travel” which is inspired by...
Design often begins with a dream, an idea, an ideology. To participate in couture is to share the novelty of clothing’s ability to tell a story. The Manor has curated eight of our favorite collections from the Class of 2023 Senior Fashion Designers in a highlight to celebrate the physicality...
As of April, there has been a new addition to Ganni’s lineage. The Bou Bag, named after the daughter of...
High school halls have been ground zero for subcultural evolution. Throughout the decades, stoners have stood against the cultural shuffle...