A child’s candor first develops into curiosity, then into judgment. Their persistent “whys” and starry eyes make sense of wonder...
Saltburn is a beautifully evil symphony. Each scene is carefully orchestrated through the actors that produces a fantastic performance. It’s...
Every October, I’m brought face-to-face with some of the year’s most anticipated films at the SCAD Savannah Film Festival. However, my favorite part of the festival begins after the curtains have closed, when heated discourse ensues. In honor of these moviegoer debates, I’ve decided to share some of my own...
Like anyone else that experienced middle school in 2012, I worship at the altar of Suzanne Collins. “The Hunger Games”,...
The weight of fame has long been Sofia Coppola’s muse. Her keen eye has given audiences a look into the...
As the autumn air turns crisp, the season of the witch comes back once again. Many of us anticipate the fun of pumpkin carving and spiced treats, but I can’t wait to curl up and revive all my favorite cinematic spooks. And while Halloween specials immerse us into a charming...
Spoilers for Succession season 4 ahead* HBO’s hit series Succession isn’t known for its fashion. It’s known for somehow making...
If there’s anything I know for sure, it’s that society loves boxes. Pamela Anderson knows this sentiment firsthand, as society...